Releasing 2020 Embracing 2021

Many people would have much to say concerning the trials and tribulations of 2020 in what was one of the most unprecedented years in our history.

We have all heard stories of humanity’s suffering on a macro level. The consequences that followed and impacted on us as individuals has left its scars. Everyone has their own personal experience regarding the journey taken thus far. It is as it is, an unfolding and at times, it turned out to be a massive jolt to the senses. How do we possibly recover and evolve?

Most of us dislike change, we tend to be creatures of habit. Staying in the familiar and routine feels safe. 2020 has forced many of us to re-evaluate that ideal. We have had the time to reflect and establish what is most important to us.

The full potential of your destiny can be accomplished through continuous and successful transitions in your life; often experienced through hardships. We need to have the willingness to embrace those transitions, regardless of what is involved and keep an optimistic perspective so positive change may occur and ultimately, an enrichment of your personal growth.

“This too shall pass” is one of my favourite sayings during times of grief and adversity. One thing we can be sure of, is that time will not stop for anyone. With the passage of time, a semblance of composure and balance is restored.

So, as we farewell 2020, release it with love and gratitude. Give thanks for the lessons learned, the resilience we have built and the wisdom we have gained from the experiences, good or bad, that we have had.

In anticipation for an extraordinary and prosperous year ahead, ignite your passion and zest for life once again! Embrace 2021 with intense and eager enthusiasm.

Wishing you every success and happiness in whatever direction you choose to take…


Strength & integrity
