This seems a relevant topic to discuss in these unprecedented times. How are you staying positive and well? The new buzz phrases of “social distancing and self-isolation” are having various effects on our communities.

This is an opportunity for self-reflection, consideration of what’s important in our lives and how we can manage these times in a calm and compassionate way.

Self-care covers several domains, have you considered them all? Our physicality is the obvious one, staying hydrated, obtaining an equal balance of rest and activity, taking regular breaks, applying personal and professional hygiene habits, having a nutritious diet and eating mindfully. What can you do to implement these daily practices?  

Our rationality is important to contemplate.  Know your communication style, have an inquiring mind, be mindful of those around you and appreciate them, think positive thoughts, connect with your immediate family and social network (observing social distancing measurements in place). Read, educate yourself, relax your mind. Find opportunities to debrief. Prioritise tasks, be outcome focused, build on your strengths and be aware of the symptoms of stress.

Emotionality-matters of the heart; be conscious of your values and beliefs, be authentic and true to yourself, be inspirational, motivated, assertive and practice integrity. Increase your personal and professional boundaries, recognise your current stressors, fill your cup and affirm your self-esteem.

During times of adversity, connection to Spirituality is beneficial to finding equilibrium and inner peace. The practice of compassion, selfless tasks, taking a moment to breathe, meditate and be grateful will go a long way to ensuring we stay focused in the moment. Being one with nature, allowing solitude, having an acceptance of the now and welcoming self-reflection will assist us to endure this time in history.

How do you care for yourself and your family within these domains? It is wise to look after yourself first, so that you can be fully present and thrive within all your relationships.


